Infinite Love


A poem

written by Brave Davis

Infinite love blessed from above

& beyond and inside & outside

Infinite love stressed by a dove

They’re to entertain all my love

Infinite love no lust desired

We 4 Infinite love & 4 infinite life

4ever yours, now and 4oRever.$

Infinite love you can read it backwards

If only words to heal our love let if heal

Infinite love I know feel even without my touch

Infinite love Infinite love, now we know infinity’s real

Even before we knew love was real

Even after this poem, I’ll still love you still.

Infinite Love by Tsnok on Devian Art



Prince Entertainment Network & TV
Prince Entertainment Network & TV

Written by Prince Entertainment Network & TV

Here @ Prince Ent, we like to find solutions. When I say solutions, I mean BIG SOLUTIONS.

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