Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre KiNG 3D
“No puedo ser atrapado con una azada
Estoy ocupado trabajando. (Estoy crecido)
No tengo tiempo para ver 6ix9ine en Hulu
Apuesto a que necesitas un abrazo”
-KiNG 3D
The above verse is an Espanol excerpt from KiNG 3D’s 3D Theme Song. Translated to American English it reads:
“I can’t get caught with a hoe
I’m busy working. (I’m grown)
I don’t have time to watch 6ix9ine on Hulu
I bet you need a hug”
KiNG 3D is often a lyrical motivational speaker on his rhymes. In this verse he’s stating he can’t get caught up spending time being lustful about when he wants better for himself. 6ix9ine is another American rapper that often raps in both American English and Spanish. Essentially the song is about building up broken people as you build up your broken self in unity.
“Te quiero con todo mi corazón
Te amé cuando eras garzóna”you better just listen.”
Remember that.
Those are the opening lines to KiNG 3D’s 3 Things. “I love you with all my heart
I loved you when you were a server” runs into “Now You’re a queen, take your throne
Never again will I leave you alone”
The critically acclaimed “3D Theme song” Rapstar shares with his fun, hip pop cadence over R&Bespue background vocals. The song is full of vivid imagery and vulnerability.
Lyrics are full of compassion and love is a category severely lacking in scarcity in 3D’s catalog. You should definitely check out his YouTube Channel because he makes amazing music!! Tune in for more at the Prince ENT Channel!